Playin' With Top Friends
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2008 Playin' With Top Friends The Black and Blue Kings  
Production :
Musiciens :

Titres :
1- 1 : When I Go
Renaud Villet
1- 2 : My Wonders
Renaud Villet
1- 3 : That's Why I Killed My Man
Renaud Villet
1- 4 : I Got To Lose My Soul
Renaud Villet
1- 5 : Learning The Blues
Renaud Villet
1- 6 : King Of The Good Taste
Renaud Villet
1- 7 : I Saw Her Drowning
Renaud Villet
1- 8 : What's Wrong With You
Renaud Villet
1- 9 : Chasing The Dog Away
Renaud Villet
1- 10 : Bn'b Shuffle
Renaud Villet
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