Carl Querfurth
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 Prénom:  Carl Pratique :
Nom:   Querfurth
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Pseudos :   Carl Querfurth ;
1988 Devient membre du groupe Roomful of Blues
1993 Participe ? And The Little Big Band la Tartine de Colin James
1994 Participe ? Dance All Night la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
1995 Participe ? Turn It On! Turn It Up! la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
1997 Participe ? Roomful of Christmas la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
 Participe ? Under One Roof la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
1997 Quite Roomful of Blues
2000 Participe ? The Blues'll Make You Happy, Too la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
2001 Participe ? Blow Mr Low la Tartine de Doug James
2002 Participe ? Living with the Blues la Tartine de Duke Robillard
2004 Participe ? Player la Tartine de Nick Curran
2007 Participe ? My life, My friends, My music la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
2010 Participe ? Seren Dipity la Tartine de Anthony Geraci